We provide a list of locations there you can get CNA training. List is constantly updated!
Certified Nurse Aide at Iowa Western Community College.
$575 (Includes book and handout).
$150 State Testing Fee, due when tests are scheduled.
Hybrid Class Online is available as well. In the classroom and online. The hybrid format enables you to do the 30 hours of didactic portion of the course online at home. Price: $675 (+$150).
Nurse Aide Training at Boulder County, Larimer, Westminster.
This is a 5-credit-hour certificate. But be aware it’s a rigorous program, requiring full-day classes, homework, and a clinical experience.
Some sponsored locations:
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And we end with list of Red Cross chapters offering Nurse Assistant Training:
Madison/Marshall County (Huntsville, AL) http://redcrossrelief.org
American Red Cross of Central Alabama (Montgomery, AL) http://www.montgomeryarc.org/
American Red Cross Bay Area (San Francisco, CA) http://www.redcrossbayarea.org/
American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) http://www.redcrossla.org/
Inland Empire (San Bernardino, CA) http://www.arcinlandempire.org/
American Red Cross, Sonoma & Mendocino Counties (Santa Rosa, CA) http://www.arcsm.org/
Connecticut (New Haven, CT) http://www.arcsct.org/
Northeast Florida (Jacksonville, FL) http://www.nefloridaredcross.org/
Central Panhandle (Panama City, FL) http://www.redcrosscpc.org/
Space Coast (Rockledge, FL) http://www.spacecoastredcross.org/
Tampa Bay (Tampa, FL) http://www.redcrosstbc.org/
Southwest Georgia (Albany, GA) http://www.swgaredcross.org/
Coosa Valley (Rome, GA) http://www.coosavalleyredcross.org/
Hawaii State (Honolulu, HI) http://www.hawaiiredcross.org/
Clark County (Jeffersonville, IN) http://www.clarkredcross.org/
Louisville Area (chapter developed course) (Louisville, KY) http://www.louisville-redcross.org/
American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay (Cambridge, MA) http://www.bostonredcross.org/
Berkshire County (Pittsfield, MA) http://www.redcrossberkshirecounty.org/
Pioneer Valley (Springfield, MA) http://www.redcrosspioneervalley.org/
American Red Cross of Central Massachusetts (Worcester, MA) http://www.redcrossworcester.org/
Central Maryland (Baltimore, MD) http://www.redcross-cmd.org/
Southeastern Michigan (Detroit, MI) http://www.semredcross.org/
Central Minnesota St. (Cloud, MN) http://www.cenmnredcross.org/
American Red Cross of the Twin Cities Area (Minneapolis, MN) http://www.redcrosstc.org/
Elizabeth Hanford Dole (Salisbury, NC) http://www.ehdoleredcross.org /
Granite (Concord, NH) http://www.concord-redcross.org/
New Hampshire Gateway (Nashua, NH) http://nashua.redcross.org/
New Hampshire West (Keene, NH) http://www.newhampshirewest.redcross.org/
Great Bay (Portsmouth, NH) http://www.greatbayredcross.org/
Greater Cleveland (Cleveland, OH) http://www.redcross-cleveland.org/
Keystone (Johnstown, PA) http://www.keystone-redcross.org/
Southeastern Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) http://www.redcross-philly.org/
Allegheny Region (Reno, PA) http://www.redcross-allegheny.org/
Black Hills (Rapid City, SD) http://www.blackhillsredcross.org/
Hiwassee (Cleveland, TN) http://www.hiwasseeredcross.org/
Knoxville Area (Knoxville, TN) http://www.knoxarc.org/
Green Mountain (Bennington, VT) http://www.gmcarc.org/
Chippewa Valley (Altoona, WI) http://www.cvcredcross.org/
East Central Wisconsin – Waupaca Branch Office (Waupaca (Branch), WI) http://www.newredcross.org/
Lakeland Green (Bay, WI) http://www.arclakeland.org/
Full list with details can be seen in Red Cross chapters PDF.