CNA job description: Working directly with patients. Your responsibilities are: bathing, feeding patients, assisting with medical equipment, monitoring patient vital signs. It is CNA`s job to give social and emotional support to patients. Which sometimes is most important! As well as provide vital information on patient conditions to nurses and doctors.
Location of CNA: Patient’s home, nursing care facilities, community care facilities for the elderly, hospitals. More about CNA clients.
CNA required qualification: High school diploma or GED, completition of 6-12 week CNA certification program.
CNA Average annual salary: varies from state to state.
Entry level CNA (Nurse Aide): $20,500 annualy
Average level CNA (Nurse Aide): $26,900 annualy
Experienced level CNA (Nurse Aide): $36,200 annualy
And absolute average salary of CNA in July 2012 was $29,000 annualy. More about CNA salary.
States with high demand for CNAs: NY New York, MS Mississippi, MA Massachusetts, GA Georgia, CT Connecticut, CA California, AL Alabama.
How to become CNA: In addition to a high school diploma or GED, you'll need to complete a 6-12 week CNA certificate program. This can be done both online or online. Yet examination is to be taken offline. More about CNA certification.
Main disciplines for CNA: nursing skills, anatomy, psychology, nutrition, infection control. More about personal qualities required for certified nursing assistant.
[by cnaonline editor]